As Mpizonke was telling the story, every time he would it sounded like thunder. His voice was echoing in the room, as he was about to finish the story. He realized that John was praying. He lifts him up with mind and crashes him to the roof and lets gravity to pull John back down. “No prayer in here. Do you realize your god didn’t do anything for Gog’Mahlangu ?” Said Mpizonke

“So, back to the story” 

He continues with the story. John picks up a sharp object on the floor, and runs towards Mpizonke. Just before he reaches, he stops. Without his control, his hand turns the sharp object towards him. With no hesitation he stabs his own neck multiple times. The children scream “ahh daddy no”. After a few minutes, the lifeless body fall down with stab wounds. Just as they’re watching while still crying. “What’s happening ?” Sizakele whispers. “Daddy just killed himself” said the children together. “What, you’re still alive ?” Mpizonke asks with a smile on his ugly face. Which was wrinkled, just as he said that the sharp object moved from John’s neck. It went straight to Sizakele’s forehead but as it arrives Calvin extends his hand out. The sharp object stabs his hand. He screams but his screaming was as if there was speaker he was connected to, he was loud. His screaming forced Mpizonke to block his ears with his hands. Mpizonke jumps straight to Calvin’s neck and he pushes his claws inside Calvin’s neck skin. He pushes them to go deeper on his neck and decides to pull them. He came up with Calvin’s throat and he jumps to Sizakele and does the same thing to her. Bianca was all alone, trying to open the trap door and finally it opens. She goes out runs to tell the neighbors of what happened. The neighbors came to the house and it was looking spotless. She tried to show them the trap door but it wasn’t there anymore.