One Saturday I don’t know where Laz came in my mind from. Maybe because its hard to forget those whom you love,I don’t know. I tried to remember his number but I was missing one number so I retrieved it from a cloud on my Samsung phone.


Who is this?

Why was he acting as if he didn’t know. I knew his settings on his phone that he didn’t hide his profile and details on WhatsApp.

Its me ,Fi

Oh ,my gosh! I missed you! How have you been?

I ‘m fine

Good ! I am so happy you came back

I kept on looking at his last message wondering if he meant it. Though I was half absorbed in our chats. I missed his husky voice. It was like my firsttime my heart danced with joy. I felt like he was here with me,holding my hand tightly or rubbing my soft fingers ,it send electricity to my spine.Everything about Laz send a special magnetic element in my blood. I felt I was in paradise. I missed his touch.He gave me butterflies in my heart 

Why didn’t you text me

I lost my contacts

Maybe I was wrong ,his settings changed I don’t know what to believe. But what I know was that I was too quick to judge and suspect ,I don’t know why. God created me that way or maybe I had been hurt so I was always caution. But love conquered all. I forget the fact we hadnt been in contact. I was sure love blinds me to real life.


I still love you. Did you meet anyone?

No! Why?

Just wanna know. Your pic you look preg

I couldn’t stop laughing,I just had gained weight. I ate like a elephant especially when I stress too much. I found relief in eating. Food was my source of comfort.
Its a belly ,not pregnancy

Ok,I thought maybe you moved on

I never stopped loving you ,Laz

Me too,I love you

That is how we got back together ,things were started to flourish again. Relief and happiness turns too near. I was glowing again.My friends saw it on my face,I was always happy . Having the man I loved beside me. This time it was different,he seemed to had time for me.

” What do we call us?” I asked him when I called. When it was answered hearing him say ‘Hello’ brought the electricity back in my body ,bringing light all over the building ,that was my body. Light covers all sadness.

” Date?” he replied. 
I wasn’t happy with that,I tried to be calm . I hold back my anger and tears ,and ,became silent.

” Are you okay?” his voice sounded sincere.

” Yea,” I tried to control my voice and hide the sadness in it.

” You sound not happy?” he asked. My stomach rubbled with joy at least he cared.