The screech was very loud and there, out of the fire protruded the same creature I saw on Gyen’s phone wallpaper except it had a head. It two shaded eyes and no nose. Where it’s mouth should’ve been were just long, razor canines that were bloody and grouse to stare. It looked absolutely hungry!

 I was paralyzed by fear, the fear made me powerless to even run away. It took over my life.

Gyen looked at me, he now looked like one of them. 

The creature jerked around, with it’s disabled looking long legs trying to smell my fear. It was as dark as the shadows of the trees surrounding us and it smelled putrid, like rotten flesh . It looked at me…and I suddenly knew, I was going to die!

I closed my eyes and then…There was silence. After a long while, I heard Gyen telling me to open my eyes. I opened my eyes and everything looked normal again. We were back at home. I asked him what had happened and he looked at me confused as if I was speaking in a foreign language. 

“What do you mean? We were sleeping here on my bed. You came to have sleep over remember? Around 3 a.m I woke up and found that you weren’t on the bed anymore. I looked around for you, I found you laying down on the door. I think you were sleep walking.”

I thought to myself, all of that was just a dream? “What about the cult?” He looked at me and he smirked a bit. “No one else should know…” He said., his eyes turning darker and darker like a demon. “Fearless is still waiting for his supper…”


Just like that, a force unknown pulled him from under the bed before me. He looked pathetic while trying to fight it. He was screaming and begging for help but I simply just stared as he slowly but surely got pulled into the dark beyond. Yes, Fearless lives under my bed and whenever I unlock my phone, I meet his face.

He’s my master.

“So long my friend…you’ve done your part really well…Jayden.”
