(You):What will you order?

So quietly you ask, a bit he was smiling. But this is not the smile that I was watching from the side. She’s too reserved and… yeah, it’s time to order, I already look too weird.

Taehyung: Coffee, please

you’ve put in a notebook with a pen in the pocket of her apron, took the menu and started to leave, but for some reason I couldn’t keep my mouth shut.

Taehyung: Sorry, I want to mend.

You stopped and looked at me again.

Taehyung: You don’t know me?

(You)In what way? – You ask bewildered.

Taehyung : I mean, it’s, uh, you don’t recognize someone like me?

What the hell, Kim Tahan? Why are you talking such nonsense?

(You):Oh, that.

You look down, embarrassed.(You):Actually, Yes, I recognized you.

Again you look on me and Yes, finally, you’re smiling, so confusedly and naturally. I think my heart just missed a huge beat. Poor chest, she’s not to be envied.

Taehyung:Then why didn’t you tell me?

(You): I thought that you would be uncomfortable to sit here, if you start to pester questions like “And you are not by chance Kim Taehyung of BTS” and similar. So I didn’t say anything.

Slowly and word for word you seem to me so easily all explained. What a genuine miracle?

(You): Oh, right, coffee. I’ll get it. Don’t you want anything else?

Taehyung: No. And no official treatment,I want to be normal.