Mahle: Baba I Can’t Do this How will I take Care of a Blind Baby Dad…

Sbonga: Listen I Know you are a Genius and You can Do anything You Put your Mind Into.

Mbail: Mahle The Triplets are awake come and fed them.

Mahle: Ngiyeza Ma!!

Tsepho: should I Come with You?

Mahle: Yeah.

We Walked to my Room Where the Triplets were sleeping.

Tsepho: Kimmy Kimmy!!

Tsepho Said Playing with Kimmy.

Mahle: Put Him Down.

Tsepho: Awu Indaba

Mahle: We have to Talk Tsepho … We can’t Keep him… I Know You Love Your Son But Baby Think About this How will We take Care of a Disabled Kid.

Tsepho: Baby We will Make a Plan..

Mahle: Please Please Stop saying You will Make a Plan Tsepho Kimmy will Never Be Okay Again He Will Never See the World Or Me His Mom Tsepho!( Crying)

Tsepho: Sorry Baby Don’t Cry..( wiping her eyes)

Mahle: Let Me Fed Them

I said and Took Timmy and Fed Him. I Looked at Him..

Tsepho: Let Me do it for You.

Tsepho said And Took The Bottle and Timmy from My Arms.

Tsepho: My Little Prince.