Blake’s POV:

Leaving my mate was the hardest thing that I had to do in my life. I miss my mate, even though I’m only gone for 3 hours.

“Hurry up dude. I want to be with Shelley.”

“Calm down Leo. After this we will practically be living together.”

He growled lowly at me.

“I hate that you are always right.”

“I know, and I’m happy that you always admit that I’m right.”

“Shut up will you.”

“What’s up with the attitude buddy?”

“Yeah yeah, get this over and done with.”

I chuckled at my wolf’s attitude. Ever since he met his mate, he has been developing this sassy attitude with me.

When we finally reached the pack house, I was bombarded with hugs from everyone. Even though I was only away from my pack for 4 days, it feels like I’ve been gone for 2 years.

“Everyone gather in the pack hall. I have an announcement to make.”

I say via the mind link. Within less than 5 minutes, the entire pack hall is filled. I have about 500 members in my pack, whereas the Blackwoods pack has about 1500 members.

“Good afternoon, members of silverpack.”

“Good afternoon alpha Blake.”

“I have two very important, yet exciting news for you all.”

I looked over the crowd, whose facial expressions held curiosity.

“Myself, my beta and gamma have found our mates.”

The crowd let out screams of excitement, while others were looking around to see who it is.

“That is also what I wanted to speak to you about. Our mates are in another pack. My mate is the soon to be alpha of her pack, while beta Jake and gamma Daxon’s mates are the female beta and gamma of her pack.”

I watched as their facial expressions held worry.

“Don’t worry though, me and your Luna have Come up with a situation to that problem. We decided that it is best if we combine pack’s.”

The crowd erupted into cheers as they ran off to go and get their items packed. Daxon and Jake came and stood next to me with their hands on my shoulders.

“You make such an amazing alpha.” Daxon tells me.

I pull them into a bro hug, moments later they pull away.

“Okay,okay. That’s enough.”

I chuckle as we went our separate ways to go and collect our clothes.