” Follow me” Mrs Smith whispered in Dipuo’s ears. She did so and they went in Mrs Smith’s office. Dipuo bursted into tears “Cry ,cry and take out the pain ” she said while rubbing her back. After a while she stopped crying.

“I wish my dad was dead” she said slowly wiping her tears l.

“No remember no matter how much pain people cause us we don’t wish bad for it them. All this happened for a purpose ” Dipuo’s teacher tried to comfort her. Afterschool Mrs Smith went with Dipuo at her house. She found Dipuo’s mom reading a book for her children . They greeted and Dipuo’s teacher insisted that they talked in private. They went in the kitchen. When they arrived in there without wasting time she explained to her what happened today in class. Dipuo’s mom was hurt but glad that Dipuo’s teacher cared so much that she took efforts to address this.

“Dipuo is not okay ma , she needs to be taken care of . Emotionally she’s drained We need to help her ” Dipuo’s mom agreed to everything without hesitating. She could use all the help she was offered.