Dipuo was her parents first child who was 10 years old. She had two siblings a 6 year old brother and a 4 years old sister.They were a happy family though she had no father figure. Mma Dipuo,Dipuo’s mom tried by all means to make her children happy. She would even spend her last cent on her children. What a loving woman and a mother she was. You’d find her smiling everyday even when she was heartbroken. She was working as a domestic worker to provide for her family. Her salary was not enough but she had to work there in order to raise her children. She always came back from work exhausted but she never complained she did all the house chores, cooked and helped the children with their homeworks. Life wasn’t easy but she made everything seemed to be manageable. She was “imbokodo” she would hold back her tears and pretend like she was okay.