Anna was about to open the door when someone opened from outside .She got away a second before it could have slammed in her face.

“Tamila! “


“It didn’t hit me. It’s fine “

She looked relieved.

“What are you doing here anyway? “

“I can’t practice today “

“Why? Afraid I’ll kick your butt? “

“phsss no.I’m just not in the mood. Can we go to your room? “

“Yeah…… Sure. Is something bothering you? “

But Tami was already in the kitchen, greeting her parents and making her way to Anna’s room .

She found her sitting cross-legged on her bed, hiding her face in frustration. Anna wasn’t sure what to make of it.

“I can’t believe him! “

“Can’t believe who? “

“My dad! “

“What did he do? “

“He’s putting us in danger “

Anna sighed. Tamila could be so unbelievably annoying.

“Could you be more specific? “

“Movago asked, well told him to look for the lost princess. If he finds her, Movago will kill her. And who’s to say he’ll might come back? “

“Sorry Tam”

“Anyway,it doesn’t matter. I feel like a swim. “

“Sure,go ahead “

“You know you want to come “

“I know I don’t want to come “

“Honestly, what will a few drops of water do to you? “

“Well,stuff like getting my hair wet. Do you know how hard it is –

They hear footsteps coming up to her room and in a few seconds ,Anna’s mother is standing in the doorway with a featherduster in hand.

“You know what, let’s go”

Tami’s face looked like a volcano about to erupt.

“Oh no, we can stay “

Anna threw her daggers, and when she faces her mother, she had puppy dog eyes.

“We were thinking of going for a swim, mother. Can we go? “

Anna stood at the riverbank, naked, wondering how in the world she’d gotten herself into this.

“Come on Cuz. Don’t be such a baby”

Anna raised her eyebrows. “I’m six “.

“Oh well, you’re not allergic to water “

“I am allergic to water. When I’m in water I…. I…… Well.. I get wet.

Tami was on her back laughing like her life depended on it. Anna wanted to kick herself .

Anna’s hands were pulled into fists as she reluctantly made her way into the water. All the while swearing under her breath. Tami stopped, staring at her in shock. Good, Anna thought. She hated Tami for making her do this, and after what seemed like forever her whole body was in the water, all of it.

“It’s cold”

Tami seemed to have gotten over her earlier shock and told her that it would get warm soon.

After a while she got over her earlier reluctantness and was having the time of her life

After an hour or so Anna started to feel uncomfortable. It was as if she did not have enough space to herself. She felt the water begin to get warmer by the second. And then it turned from warm to hot.

“What’s wrong? “,Tami asked.But Anna was already out of the water by then. And what she saw made her freeze. She was red all over with blisters.

“I told you I’m allergic to water!, “She shouted accusingly.

“Water burns me!”

Tami slipped out of the water and stared at Anna in awe.

“Can I see? “

“Isn’t that what you’re doing? “

“No, I mean touch, can I touch? “

“What! No! “

But she touched her anyway. Tami pulled her hand away in a heartbeat and Anna backed away.

“Oh my God, Tamila backed away “Anna?

“What? “

“You got your powers early? “

The two cousins tore branches out of the way. With every branch that came, there was a scream. Anna’s.

Her eyes were dark red from crying, just like her skin.

Both girls were holding onto each other, even though every inch of their bodies were screaming for them to release their grip. Anna tried desperately to stop a scream, and when it came, it shook the earth,birds flew away, insects crawled away and even Tami had her palms pressed against her ears.

“Anna! Please stop! “

She stopped. Then fell to the ground

Anna’s condition was rare. In Elfahame,children get their powers at the age of ten, not earlier or later. Certainly not six. What was even more rare was, her powers weren’t within her, but beyond. She couldn’t enteract with water. But you can’t live without water so she had to drink a special liquid everyday to help with her predicament. She hated it. It changed her life forever. What also changed her life was when she walked in on her mother and Tami’s mother arguing about moving. Tami was leaving her.But their parents gave them special bracelets to keep in touch. And they also promised to write to each other. But it wasn’t meant to be. She wrote, Tami didn’t. And then she gave up and never wore her bracelet again