It’s as though God made a mistake
When he said, “I make man in my IMAGINATION”
God might have given some men pride
That didn’t permit them to abuse us
You say you are his imagination
You are nothing like him
He is fulfilled with love, forgiveness, consideration, mercy, kindness, Justice and favor
Then why do you man harass and abuse us
Why do you rape our kind, underage and old?
Is it because we were given one of your ribs to survive on?
Is it because God said we were made for men?
Is it because you think we are weak?

And he says to her, “Nambewe, cook food for me”
She cooks the food
But he, he finds fault with everything she does
And spits the food out
Slaps her across the face
Beats her until she bleeds
Why do you men violate our rights?
You only promote your fellow men in the offices
You say women are feeble
They don’t deserve the taste of any luxury
So, I beg you dear men stop violating women’s rights
But when God said that, “I make man in my imagination”
He didn’t want to promote violence
But he only meant he made us all in his imagination
So, I beg you dear men
End violence.