Victims Of Society 

Fernando S Machava Jr.

“It takes a village to raise a child” 

But it doesn’t mean they will be raised right  

What happens when the same society breaks the child  

When the child is discriminated by the same society 

We are victims of society  

We See in the mirror what society allows us to see  

We trash our vision and become what society wants us to be  

Only a select few survive and run on a broken knee

We become slaves as our neighbors mop the floor with our hair  

When uMakhi has breakfast to my struggle  

Is this the society that’s supposed to raise a child ? 

A society where you take a bullet for the one behind the gun 

Where we share with the same people who gossip about us  

Where you’re looked down on for not having cheese for breakfast 

A dysfunctional society  

Where my brother hits and kills people to put food on the table  

When he believes he’s doing it for the family  

Where my sister is forced to resort to prostitution  

When her third abortion opens another wound in her heart 

This is a society where we don’t know our constitution  

We are victims to a society God has turned a blind eye on  

We don’t hear from him but we still pray  

U’Ma prays so long she doesn’t run out of things to say  

I see tears on her face,I guess that’s the price you pay

“You’re so big” “You’re so thin”  

Welcome to a society where nobody is enough  

Big or small you’re a reason for them to laugh  

Forget my size and show me love 

This is my country  

Where hitting women makes you “The man” 

Where rape boosts your manhood  

“Enough with GBV” is not enough  

We stand against it in public and do it behind closed doors  

We won’t learn until no women remain

Let’s go back to the society that raised our parents  

One that believes in prayer and humanity  

Let us unite and make our cry louder  

Let a society this society raise an honourable man