Yes, they ain’t worth it, they never did.
Yet they call themselves your friends.
Yet they think you aren’t deserving.
To be loved and treasured.
To succeed and make it.
But still, they claim to love you while they,
blame you for every past mistake you made
They easily forget,
They’re perpetrators who are against your happiness.
Against your joy.
Against your success.
Again they claim to love you while they,
blame you for every past mistake you made.
My ball pen is out of ink.
My mind is blurry.
My mouth cannot even pronounce a word.
My heart is broken.
Tears are falling down my cheeks.
I can never ever control it.
I strive to heal every jealous heart.
Every heart filled with grudges.
Every fake friend polluting the Earth.
But still claim to love us,
While they blame us for every past mistake we made.