Like a silent boneless river,
dipping in a summer sunset,
sipping a sour moonlight on
winter nights.
And like a river bank on happy day
full of love .
The feeling never gets old.
The fire lives on .
The heart doesn’t go cold.

As rain hits the umbrella .
Shadows line in a dark street.
And rainbows fill the misty sky.
Birds chirping a new melody.
Bodies under piles of sand,
with a host of worms.
The heart shall remain sun kissed.
The heart doesn’t die.

Life comes and goes like money with the wind.
Even when the body ages .
The heart doesn’t grow old.

Even with hope sat up in a church on a Sunday morning.
Courage manages to escape through the little pores of doubt.
But the body is forever great full for the fun walks of life.
As the spirit ascends with a host of daffodils to the clouds and beyond.
The heart smiles peacefully.
Beating with pride.
Filled with love for life.
The heart…
The heart never dies.