You came unexpectedly out of the shadows,
At first I thought I was high from all the drugs I have consumed,
not realising that you have consumed me.
At first, I thought my blood was too toxic from the alcohol I have consumed last week Friday and that Saturday morning,
Your shadows spoke in deep scary voices,
made me insane,
You were hard to ignore when you control my sleeping arrangements,
You never left my side,
The holy water never scared you.
I shouted Amen from 1 am to 4 am asking the mighty Jesus Christ to consume your shadows,
And set my soul free,
At first, I thought it was the witches,
At first, I thought I was being punished for all my sins,
I thought cleansing could save me,
But my spiritual angels were saving me,
I never liked how you entered my life,
You got my attention,
I shall follow you shadow where the ocean was born.