When Elbert Hubbard said that
“The best way to prepare for life is to begin to live”
I wondered, how do I live.

I questioned, if I start to live by looking up to my future.
I knew, maybe I was right
But I disagreed for the second time.
When I realised that my future isn’t brighter as I thought.

The question stuck in my head.
“Sonia how do you live”?
I have been troubled by how do I prepare for living.
But now since I found the answer to my question.
I thought things will be better than ever .
I could’ve been fooled better.
Nothing seems to be going so well, that troubles my soul and discourages me.

The words
“Sonia, begin to live”
Encourages me, but they messes with my mind too.
Aren’t I living ?
I be messes more when I try to make sense,
Maybe I don’t know what living is.