Our ancestors buried deep in the rich soils of Africa.
They have seen the worst ,
Yet we praise them , but they’re unsettled in their graves
Showing the of omen,
We never even glanced ,nor to peek.

Loadshedding was the first
Something dark was about to unfold .
How could the have missed it ?
Our inyangas and sangomas had no vision of what was about to befall our country.

When we chose not to look
We found ourselves in a battle with the unseen.
Causing pain and suffering in our territories.
Milking the economy dry and leaving many dead.

Like prisoners we’re on lockdown in our own homes.
Hunger and starvation banging on bolted doors.

“We have never came across something like this, but we will prevail”,the words of the president.
Inyangas and sangomas gather and call upon our forefathers
For any sign of defeat against this unseen predator.
Throw your bones and see what will be left of our country tomorrow.