As I look at my reflection in the mirror
A thousand thoughts fill up my mind.
“Be proud of yourself”
They had said before.
But then those magazine huns,
I thought,
They were slim and worshipped,
I thought.
But then am I beautiful?,
I doubt
Insecure is how I am.
They had said they exercised for that,
But let me grab a scissor,
Cutting one to five pieces won’t hurt,
One on my stomach,
One on my thighs,
One on my arms, 
Another one on my waist.
But then these teeth don’t make no sense at all,
There’s no need to smile now,
I just look like a scarecrow,
Monster teeth are what I’ve got,
Insecure is how I am.
“Black and ugly”
They had told me,
Yes maybe it’s true,
Look at my colour, it’s dirty,
Skincare products would do.
Two to five weeks
I thought,
I’ll be light-skinned and beautiful,
“A little ass you’ve got there”
They had said,
Maybe I should try those pants they always advertise,
I thought,
The ones with curvaceous buts,
Maybe just maybe
No one will notice.