Save me , Save me
I cried out loud
But no one has listened.

Maybe they did,
But didn’t want to hear,
Maybe they heard
But couldn’t save me.

I cried out loud saying
“Save me , Save me”
But no one came
Maybe it was to dark for them to see
Or maybe they did see
But didn’t want to save me.

I cried out loud saying
“Save me ,Save me!”
But got no response
I only got pain
The white dress turned red,
The smile I had faded away,
I couldn’t see the future anymore,
The world become invisible and
Dreams shutdown.

You know why?
Because they couldn’t save me,
They couldn’t hear my voice,
They couldn’t hear my painful crying,
They couldn’t feel my pain.

I cried
“Save me , save me”
Why did you not listen?
Why did you not save me.

Maybe if you had listened just for a second
Things would have been better,
I would have seen the world differently
But you couldn’t SAVE ME.