I have relationship Anxiety
But I don’t know how 
To tell my partner
Deep down I want to disclose 
And deep down I know 
That they don’t care 
Sometimes I tend to overreact
Sometimes I feel like you deserve better
Sometimes I feel like you no longer love me
I over analyse what you say or do 
Then say if only he loved me he wouldn’t say 
If only she loved she wouldn’t do 
I feel like you no longer need me 
Every day and every time I need you 
To tell me that you still love me the same 
Every day and every time I feel like 
There is “it’s over” which you want to say 
But you just don’t know how 
I know dating someone
With relationship Anxiety
And you don’t know about it 
It’s not easy
You will feel unloved 
You will feel unneeded 
She loves you more than you know
He needs you more than ever 
You just need to talk to her 
And fight the relationship Anxiety together