Here I am, grasping my pen
Hoping my ideas will flow through it and never end
Gush like water and flow like a river
Twenty-six letters at my disposal
A multitude of words in my arsenal
A thousand thoughts buzz in my head
Flying around like annoying insects
They taunt me even when I lay in bed
Always second guessing every word that I right
Because I want my piece to be just right
Crafting it, making sure that it’s fine like white wine

Damn you, perfectionist in me!
My head feels like it’s full of mist
Clouded judgement, doubt and anguish
You’ve locked my tongue inside a kist
Words trapped for hours or even days
My hands are curled up into balls of fist
Banging on the table, because I feel pissed

You leave me angry at myself
Asking myself stupid questions
Every time I pen something down
There’s always an alternative suggestion
Scratch this, scratch that, it’s not good enough
There’s just not enough emotion
Use this, use that, this is way better
Don’t forget to check the spelling
Choose something close to my heart
Write about something else that has meaning
Read it and edit again and again
Dagnabit! It’s too morbid and depressing!
No! No! No! This is absolutely terrible!
Throw that thing away and start from the beginning

Gosh, you’re such an irritant!
Sometimes, I want to throttle your neck
But then I realise, that I’m nothing without you
So I keep my temper in check