I’m eating
from the palms of the devil
deep inside my thoughts –
See, I’ve suffered
a sudden grief
and this poem is a brief
of all the scars I’ve suffered -:
It’s in the early hours
of the morning
and I’ve already
lost myself deep
inside my thoughts;
The past has overtaken
the present;
once again –
I’m in pain;
once again –
I always swing
along the same direction;
I always dance along
to the same beat
that leaves my heartbeat
drunk from abandoned
emotions –
But don’t worry;
I’ll bounce back,
then fall back again
to the same hands
that will leave me in despair –
Don’t worry still;
I’m crafted from steel –
I can take any amount of cracks
for as long as my soul
is still deep rooted
within oneself -: