I think it’s kind of funny how we decided to pack our bags and leave that day.

You wanted to live so much and all I wanted was to die.

We tried to make it work

Well you tried to save me but it was already too late.

You had everything figured out.

You knew what you wanted and how you are going to get it.

I was stuck in the same place.

The sad part is that I noticed I was never part of your plans.

You never mentioned my name on anything.

One Monday morning you woke up and told me that you don’t want to die with me.

You told me that you want to follow your dreams and told me how badly you want to see the world.

I was happy that you are happy

But also sad because it meant that we have to go separate ways.

I had nothing much to say ,all I managed to do was to take off our pictures on the wall.

Pack my things and wait for you to leave.

You left.

The place became so silent.

All I heard were the birds singing outside.

I remembered something.

That I I wanted to do was art.

That is when I realized that it was time for me to go as well.