I cry for those who never cried

Those who said men don’t cry

I cry for those who never cried

when they lost loved ones 

It was painful and it hurts

I cry for those who never cried

when their partner betrayed them

When they were blackmailed 

called names

called a lier

Humiliated on social media

kicked out of the church 

Those who acted strong 

Denied their feelings of the healing of crying

I cry for those whose businesses were looted

they acted strong

I cry for those who passed with flying colours and made it to varsity but were unemployed.

I cry for those who believed the empty promises of politicians’ life never changed.

I cry for a matriculant that never passed

I cry for that child that just lost its mother

For that boy with no granny

For that boy who is now becoming iphara

I cry for that family, that sister and that brother reading this poem crying

Let the rain fall.