My smile is everything I got,
Whenever I am sad, I proudly
Wear my smile like nothing 
Bothers me,
You kick me down to my lowest 
I stand up, dust and myself off.
I wear my smile and move forward.
Because my smile is everything I have,
My smile is my throne.
I am a black ocean, leaping and wide,
Swelling and yelling, I bear in tides but
My smile crowns me as a queen.
I bow my head to you. 
With lowered eyes covered with tears but still 
I will smile.
Because no one knows how difficult it it 
To be me, no one understands 
The pain I hide inside that smile,
I am a crowned queen of sadness 
I bear a smile in sorrow in sadness.
I am strong, and I smile.
The smile is my crown.