What I have learned so far is to have little to no expectations of others.

I try to take and accept things as they are.

I have no control over other people, behaviors, or actions.

I can only choose how I react to things.

From now on, I will not be emotional and cry when a friend or potential “bae” doesn’t call, text, or blue ticks or puts me on “seen” or “read.”

From now on, I won’t be affected so much when a friend doesn’t tell me something or when I don’t get an invite.

I am slowly but surely learning to give people what they give me.

From now on, I will be minding my own business and focusing on me.

I will no longer be giving my 100% to people who continue to give me their 10%.

I deserve far better than that, honestly.

From now on, I am going to choose me even if it means I’ll have far fewer people in my life.

I’m not doing this to be mean, but I am doing it for my peace and mental health.

From now on, I will be choosing people who choose me.

It took me a while, but now I know I deserve the whole cake, not breadcrumbs.

I am done with bare minimum and little to no effort from people.

I am done begging for time, attention, attention, love, friendship, and people who choose not to value me or my presence.

I’m done! that’s it. I have reached my limit.