Back and forth

The baby goes as I keep on rocking.

Up and down

The baby goes as it rests its head upon my shoulder.

His cry on the peaceful silence of midnight

Breaks my heart into shatters.

A feeling of love weakens me to break down.

Break down a bridge of sadness

that set free the trapped river behind the walls of desperation.

With the back of my melanated hand

I wipe away the tears hoping that maybe

with the pigment that brings fear to a man’s eye

I will be able to rebel against your oppressing discomforting weakness.

My weakness which you form, formed inside me.

Love so strong, weakening me to be strong for you.

Love so strong, weakening me to fight for your life in my prayers.

I look at you, trying to reassure you

that I love and care for you with my eyes

cause they mirror the connection of our souls.

Your smiles and giggles reflect a flame of joy burning through the fire of love.

Love unconditional

Love is reassuring that I am blessed to be a mother.

I am honoured to carry such a powerful duty.

I see my seed germinate into glorious nature.

Nature gives life into my mind and spirit.

Nature taught me how important patience is.

Nature strengthening me to be my best self

and keep on looking for greatness.

A child’s intelligence comes from its mother’s smarts

I got to be strong for you.

Strong in faith that you are going to be okay, my child.

Strong in prayer that you will be protected from the evilness of restlessness.

Back and forth

My love keeps on sprinting

Up and down

My heart keeps on dancing

Like the African drum beat taking me back to my roots

and reminding me that mosadi otswara thipa kabukhaleng

So I got to stand firm on the ground and face the storm head on

Face the challenges that come with matriculation from being an infant into a toddler.

The initiation of teething

The incisors appearing

And the constant crying.

You have given me a chance at loving.

And like my creator

my love for you will forever be infinite.