This race is for the strongest.
It is at its peak without a leak.
It is the survival of the fittest.
Just like a highway road, you can overtake many cars but you can’t be number one.
Without hope, you won’t make it in this race.
Shortcuts ain’t allowed neither an elevator.
You have to use the stairs to the top.
This life ain’t easy.
If you heading to the top too, I will meet you there.
Nobody can run your race and it’s all about reaching the finish line.
We won’t prosper at the same time,
But we are in this race together.
Even though we don’t use the same path.
Some run when there’s no path and leave a trail.
Some run when there’s a path and take more minutes to finish the race than usual.
Success is the finish line.
We won’t reach the finish line at the same time.
Thus success, we won’t succeed at the same time.
Live your own life and run your own race.