When the sun rises,

To everyone, it feels like a new day,

But to me, it feels like another hellhole day,

A day of torture,

Thinking how will I be able to bear more degrading names,

All because of one mistake.


I loved someone’s son with my whole heart,

So much that I would do anything for him,

I would even get naked for him,

That’s where I messed up,

Getting naked for him,

Taking those naughty snaps for him,

That was my biggest mistake,

Pressing that send button on my phone changed everything,

I woke up to pictures of me naked all over social media,

As for him, he dumped me like a hot potato and made fun of me,

Embarrassed me in front of my schoolmates,

I even stopped going to school,

It’s enough already that I’m being insulted in my community,

I can’t bear that at school too.


Even my family turned against me,

To them, I’m just a cheap girl,

A pornstar so my older brother say,

I can’t do this anymore,

It’s too much,

As I’m about to leave the world,

I want everyone to know that I loved,

I loved but got fooled instead,

Goodbye world.