she gave me no choice but to lie,
The love I had for her it was like I was high on top of the mountain.
I swear If i can reverse the time i will never lie again,

Some lie to deceive unlike me,
I had millions reasons to lie,
I wish you saw her body she looked so Holly,
Her eyes sparkling like a sunshines in the morning of summer,
Her smile had glitters of a diamond,
So I wanted her to be mine,

There were some weaknesses I had to strengthen,
So she wont see through me when I lie,

I approached her with love,
To my sadness she said im out of her league,
I needed papers to buy status of her league,
So i had to lie to fit into her league,
I lied to be in love with her,

She loved me for the lie I have told her,
But that love was never enough,
I felt like she was cheating me with that lie,
she loved that lie with her whole heart that made me feel jealous,
Because that lie was not me but a passage to her heart,

From her side that love was a real deal,
Because she fell deeply in love with a lie,
But I knew that love only exist in my wallet,
I don’t know who to blame,
Now I understand I was that I was lame,
I lied to be in love with her,
But you need to buy a ticket to be in this love,

If i can tell you nothing but the truth,
She found out that I lied about who I am,
I opened the door for her to walk away from me,
So I can free myself from the burden of lies,

To my surprise she closed the door and she said:

I know you lied to fit into my League,
But behind this lie I can see your eyes filled with joy,
Honestly your company also gives me joy,
I fell in love with the guy behind this lie,
Your tickets meant nothing to my heart,

Actually She also lied to be in love with my lies,
Because she fell in love with the guy behind the lie,
So my lie turned to be a reality.