Who said being black meant that you are poor ? 

Who said being dark in colour meant you are unprivileged ? 

How do you define me and my success ? 

Just because of I am black, 

How do you trust that I will succeed ? 

All because my skin is dark. 

Being black in this world means that you are unable; 

Unable to have a bright future, 

Unable to succeed in your own way, 

Unable to live your life undiscouraged, 

They are making being black a disease that produces 

nothing but failure, disappointment, and disgrace. 

Being black is actually a calling, 

Being black is not being perfect, 

but wanting to excel in everything you do,

Being black simply means you rich in mind 

You just have to worked hard for everything,

As nothing is handed in a silver platter for us,

Being black is being yourself.

Your blackness is the key to the successful future, 

Wake up, wear that blackness of your and, 

Got get your life. 

Being black is who you always going to be, 

Shine While you are at.