There have been changes in these few years.
I wonder how many more years are left.
Our world is developing,
is changing.
Technology is playing a massive role in our lives.
To guns from knives.
With a single device,
We get to do so many things.
You meet new friends.
Our friendship might end.
You get to be sociable while staying at home.
Sometimes you don’t feel alone.
Many got inspired while they were at their homes.
They wrote stories; they wrote poems.
They opened a business.
They maintained their positions.
They are getting more successful day by day.
Using technology, you can find a way.
Busy world, day and night.
Busy world doing wrong and right.
Many are destroying; some are building.
It is a busy world where Gold never rust.
Things will change, but God will remain precious.
A hectic world.