(In the morning and the park. Londi wakes up and washes her face at the tap.)
TUMI :Hawu! Londi!
LONDI :Good morning my friend!
TUMI :You are sleeping in the park.
LONDI :I don’t have a place to live. My mother chased me out.
TUMI :Take your bags, there is a shelter around here. I can take you there. You have to pay R10 a day.
LONDI :It’s fine I can manage it for ten days.
TUMI :Don’t worry I can help you with a small amount.
LONDI :Thank you!
TUMI :Wipe your tears and let’s go! You will bath at my house.
LONDI :Thank you!
(In the class)
SIPHO :Good morning!
CLASS:Good morning sir!
SIPHO :Where are the others?
EVELYN :They are absent. Londi is sick so she was not here for a week.
SIPHO :She will get better.
EVELYN :I hope so.
SIPHO :Can I have her new contacts.
TUMI : (He sits down without greeting)
LONDI :(She follows Tumi.)
MVELO :You naughty children!
TUMI :I will slap you Mvelo!
SIPHO :You two stand up!
TUMI :I am sick!
EVELYN :Stop lying!
LONDI :We are not talking to you!
EVELYN :What did I do?
TUMI :Drop the act! We all know that you and Mvelo are dating.
SIPHO :You will discuss that on break.
TUMI :You shut up for a while!
MVELO :Yeyi! This is a teacher!
TUMI :He is a pervert!
SIPHO :You are disrespectful!
LONDI :We are!
EVELYN :Londi, please sit down!
LONDI :I will sit down once I am finished with you!
EVELYN :You are testing me!
LONDI :Yes! (She stands up)
SIPHO :Stop it!
LONDI :(She fights with Evelyn)
CLASS:Skuri to fight! Skuri to fight!….