Scene 14: Gomora High School

(At assembly)

Principal:So the school heard about the talent competition.The school decided to go talk with the people behind the talent competition,and got into an agreement that the competition will be rated 18 years.Meaning any child under the age of 18 is not allowed to enter the competition.

(Learners mumbles)

Principal:But I haven’t finished.We are doing this because high schools in this country have decided to do a talent competition to acknowledge talent that learners have.Any learner who wants to enter can enter.The forms are in my office.I thank you

(The learners clap and some whistles)

(Tomorrow morning,Hope finds Nthati crying in the toilets)

Hope:Nthati,are you okay?

Nthati:Go away

Hope(sitting down beside her):I heard that you were removed from your crew

Nthati:And you are here to criticize me

Hope:Of course not.I’m just not used to seeing you crying like this

Nthati:So you’re not here to hurt me?

Hope:Cleaning with you the toilets made me see the other part of you I didn’t know.You are funny, beautiful and smart.Being in that crew made you a bully.Everyone was scared of you and that is not a good thing.

Nthati:You were right about me. I don’t have any talent. I wanted to enter the talent competition but I can’t.I’m not like you,you are very intelligent and smart.

Hope:I might be the top achiever in this school but that’s not where my heart lies.Most don’t know that I love sketching, especially jewellery.Only Mbali and Mom knows.From a young age I’ve kept a book full of my sketches.Believe me when I say, everyone has a talent.

Nthati:But what talent do I have?

Hope:You are beautiful,have long legs and to me you fit the criteria of being a modeller and the future MISS SA.

Nthati: Really?


Nthati(hugging her):Friends for liiiiiifeeee!!!