he told me I was crazy when he was the one driving me crazy , he complained that I have trust issues but that’s only because he caused too many issues for me to trust him , he complained that I couldn’t believe anything he told me but that’s only because he told me to many lies , he complained that I got mad over stupid things but that’s only because he continued doing stupid things that made me mad . he complained that I always pick fight with him , but that’s only because he didn’t realise the mistakes he repeatedly made , he complained about me talking to boys but that’s only because of the things he did around girls . I didn’t want to lose him , so I lost myself in the process . I became a girl who kept being mistreated and I formed a habit of saying ” I’m used to it ” . I became a girl who kept being unappreciated and I told myself ” it’s okay ” . I became a girl who kept being undervalued and I learned to say ” I’m fine ” . I became a girl who kept being put last and I naturally reacted with ” it’s whatever ” I became a girl who kept being a girl who was taken for granted and I dealt with it by repeating ” everything is going to be alright ” . I became a girl who kept being unhappy and regularly told people ” I’m going to be fine ” I became a girl who was emotionally abused in the name of love .