
In this story there is a man called Kgosi who lived with his wife Motsei.The couple decides to take certain decisions,was is it right for them to think that way? Let’s see in the story.

Main story

Once upon a time there lived a man called Kgosi who lived with his wife.They lived in a village called Manoko.The couple were content with everything but the main problem was that Motsei could not have children.Kgosi loved his wife dearly even though they couldn’t have children and he cared for her a lot.

The women in the village called her names and hurled insults at her saying she was a witch, some said she was involved in some money rituals and that was why she was barren.Many said those hurtful things because they were jealous of her and her husband was being supportive to her no matter the circumstances.Some were envious of her looks,her peach-red complexion made one doubt her Tswana origin.She had a beautiful curved body.In the other hand her husband was well built and muscular.They made a cute couple.

Kgosi worked on the plantations while his wife stayed home with her mother in law.Life at her mother-in-law’s house was hell and she started to understand why people said,”Marriage isn’t a bed of roses”.Her mother in-law would be always on her neck saying,Mosadi ke thari which means a woman must have children.That hurt Motsei a lot and she would pray asking God why he made her barren.

One day she decided to visit her mother in a neighbouring village.The purpose of the visit was to solve this issue.She greeted her mother and narrated everything to her but her mother would say,”My daughter don’t blame yourself, everything is going to be fine”.Her mother-in-law was a hard woman and also too much obstinate.

Her husband knew about it but he couldn’t do anything.What was hurting him a lot was seeing her wife crying, and so he decided to take advantage of this situation.He told her wife about a powerful witch doctor who lived in a forest.He was known for possessing some superstitious powers.In the early morning the couple set out to the forest to ask for help.Along the way they encountered many unusual things such as talking birds.Finally they arrived and the witch doctor seemed to know what brought them there because as they entered he said,”Beautiful people why are you bringing trouble in your own lives, accept this situation please”They narrated everything to him and he said,” I’m gonna ask you ma’am to drink this water but do not say I didn’t warn you “.As the couple were eager to have kids,they did not know what awaits them.Poor couple thanked that man and went back home.

Her mother-in-law asked about their hereabouts but they said they went to work on the fields.The reason was that she would have skinned them alive.After about three weeks, Motsei started developing signs of pregnancy and both her mother-in-law,her biological mother and her husband were elated.Later she gave birth to a baby boy and her father loved him a lot.They were always together and he taught him many things.Tge child was named Motheo and he was given care and love from both his parents.He grew up and went to school, went to college and graduated.He worked for his parents.Life seemed to go well until one day while sitting under a Mango tree and suddenly a snake bit him and he died that moment.It was a painful moment in the family and they started to remember what the witch doctor said.They realized that even though they had no kids their life was going well.They made a huge mistake tho they couldn’t fix.

Sometimes our situations make us to think in a different way,we turn to take decisions that we will regret later.No matter what you are going through be careful of what you do because some things bring nothing but misery and sadness into our lives.So you need to THINK WISELY.