Your Voice has a lot of values, it is the gold of your immune system. Some people were not given this gold, the gold was used to communicate, heal, advise, do good things and express our feelings to other people. It could be through singing, teaching, telling jokes etc. People like Lee Ridley known as “The Lost Voice Guy” were not given this gold. Lee is a well-known comedian, he entertains people without even using his voice because of his muteness. He isn’t the only one who doesn’t have the opportunity to use this gold there are countless people who are willing to have it. Let’s talk about you do you think you are using this gold wisely? You always tease people, sabotage their esteem, disrespect your elders, you are shy and you just keep quiet when you know that you need help. You bottle things inside simply because of trust issues. I might not have the solutions to all the problems mentioned here but just remember “THE VALUE OF YOUR VOICE” When you just emotionally abuse people just imagine a day without your voice.