I would die for this woman; God knows how much I adore her. My mother is everything to me: my joy, role model, hope, and first love. Let me tell you a little story, please.

While I was growing up, I shared a home with both of my parents, and I assumed that would always be the case. However, I had no idea what the universe had in store for me. When I was in first grade, things were going well for us, but then they started to change for the worse. I don’t know the reasons why my dad would hit my mum. I believed things had returned to normal when he eventually started working in Durban, but that was before I began taking second or third-grade courses.

He left for work and never returned home โ€” not because he passed away. Even though he’s still alive, he hasn’t been in my life or my mother’s since he left. Life became challenging when he left. At first, I didn’t understand why my mother would drink that way, but now I see that she was attempting to lessen the agony she was experiencing at the time. She even began losing weight, which worried my grandparents. They tried to get her to stop, but she was having none of it. My mother’s condition started to cause a stir among neighbours, family, and churchgoers, while God, on the other side, said NOT WITH MY CHILD years later.

My mother started dating again, giving birth to my brother and my little diva sister, whom I adore with all of my heart and consider to be my two tiny babies despite their rapid growth. Moving onward, the passage of time doesn’t necessarily imply that life was blissfully cosy; we did experience both good and unpleasant moments. However, I’m older now, and my mother has always tried to make the most of our lives. She also saw that I received all the love and support required. She recently gave me a surprise 21st birthday party, and I’m still thankful to God for giving me her as a mother.

I’m going to start my third year of university right now, and I hope to God that everything will go according to plan and that He will help me succeed โ€” if not for me, then at least for my mother, for whom I have many goals. I owe this woman everything. The very best is due to her. She has always been the best person I have ever known. That’s why I say she’s my everything.