It takes courage , effort & bravery to be successful on parenting .Did you know ,why you need your parents ?No age can indicate that a person doesn’t need parental care .Indirectly everyone need parental care .Our mother and father needs their mothers and fathers too ,Even our grandparents can’t tell but they need their parents too .Kids tend to beg ,to confront their parents .Blame ,insults their parents more often claiming they’re not providing enough. Not loving them enough .Only if you knew that parenting is the most difficult thing in the whole world imagine you have 3 children .Your children needs clothes, money and other things and you also have other things that you desire to buy you have debts and many other stokvels

Parents have their upside-down whether is a single parent or both parents they face a lot of challenges however the kids don’t see their struggles it is not true that only when you turned 18 you won’t need parents anymore .The hidden truth is everyone needs their parents despite the age even a women with children still needs his mother to comfort her to guide her to provide for her to help her out when she’s lacking .You really need your parents ,put yourself on your parents shoe’s with their stipend and the number of the children they have and ask if I was them would I manage them and provide all their needs at once?

If the answer is yes! then you have no sympathy and no idea what they’re going through even a single child is difficult to raise imagine those who have many .Let’s honor and respect our parents just know they’re trying .

My mom spend 10 months promising me that she will buy a phone next Saturday .when that Saturday arrived she keeps saying next Saturday. I didn’t really understand that she just don’t have enough money. I was disappointed and when she finally did I was so excited .Now I’ve realized that parents go through somuch to provide our needs and wants nomatter the age. We are just their little kids in their eyes .

Author Ragalavhanda Fhumulani