It is not easy sometimes it is depressing especially when you don’t know what to do with your life. You feel lonely and mind due everyone is looking at you expecting you to get a job after graduating. That’s not actually how it works. People will drain your mind and you will feel like you have chosen a wrong degree. Sometimes things don’t just pop out the way we expect them to be, but we should be ready for every changes in our lifes. Don’t forget that our journeys are not the same, someone might get a job after graduating and someone might struggle until getting a job. Remember that struggling until getting a job doesn’t mean you are a loser No, bear in mind that you are unique and your journey is different from others.

I always see people who have graduated and now they are cleaners and sellers at the supermarket but that doesn’t mean you should undermine them, they chose to keep themselves busy with something until they find a permanent job, a job that they went to school for .

I know some people might laugh at you saying that you have just wasted money to go to university or college and now you are just a cleaner, it’s OK don’t just let them drain you because you are actually doing a good thing. Imagine if you were at home waiting for a permanent job which you don’t even know when you are going to get it. It’s okay to find a small job that prevents you from over thinking and getting depressed.

Don’t give up because of what people say their words don’t really define your future and remember every successful person started from nothing to something, so you should also be patient. I mean you can’t start counting from the higher number, you should start at the lowest number. Remember that when a baby is taught about numbers and other things they start with the simple numbers or simple things. So 1 up to 9 are the simplest numbers that a child can understand because they are unique they don’t change the only time they change Is when they intertwine with other numbers.

In other words I mean they look small when they are single until they are intertwined with other numbers. You can’t start intertwining then without explaining or understanding their origin or where they started. Your life should be like numbers you should firstly understand yourself, accept yourself and know that you run your own race. Then you will be able to understand the world or nature you are living in and it will also love you.

Chill people will always talk am telling you, whether you do good or bad they will always find something to talk about just keep the train moving. Never ever give up, everyday is another chance to try again, and never forget to pray and invite God in your life.