Ever felt like every person is going to judge you, when you do something or they have their eyes on you, no matter what happens? Well, I always felt like that, I never knew I was insecure until I got body shamed in the sixth grade for being (isishwapa) flat ass. From that day on I never went back to the old me again. I’ve always lived in fear of someone is going to say here’s the flat ass girl, if that makes sense. When puberty hit I totally changed, I was now concerned about my weight and wanting to have small boobs. Because I am naturally a big boob girl, so all of that made me so insecure. I really wanted to change I wanted to be perfect. I wanted to be seen. So when I got my first boyfriend and he said he loved me, I felt like it was all in need to, like needed somebody’s else’s validation or something. And that never went so well, but it’s a story for another day.