Answer these 20 questions on the answer sheet provided. Make sure you remember to write your name on your answers.

  • If you can’t remember something, go on to the next question and then go back to the story if you need to once you have tried all the questions.
  • If you don’t know the answer immediately, try to work it out by seeing which answer is the least wrong to you!


1. Who was Themba?
a. Thandi’s boyfriend
b. Nomsa’s boyfriend
c. Nomsa’s brother
d. Avile’s brother

2. Nomsa told Thandi that she was staying at home to study but meanwhile Nomsa’s boyfriend was visiting her. Nomsa then tried to burn the pizza boxes in the yard so that:
a. The rubbish would be cleared from the yard
b. Thandi wouldn’t see that Nomsa had been eating pizza
c. Nomsa was doing her homework
d. Thandi wouldn’t know that Nomsa’s pizza-delivery boyfriend had been visiting.

3. Thandeka said that Thandi needed a boyfriend because:
a. Boyfriends are nice to have
b. Thandeka knows how to have a nice time
c. A boyfriend would protect Thandi from Themba
d. Thandi is studying too hard at school

4. Nomsa knew that Themba didn’t have a job, and was causing trouble with her sister. But she stayed with Themba because:
a. She didn’t do well at school and so wanted a boyfriend
b. She knew he loved her and didn’t mind that he got drunk
c. There was not much else in her life that made her feel good and he was the father of her child
d. She wanted to punish her sister and keep Themba around

5. ‘There was something in Nomsa’s eyes that frightened Thandi when they were talking about Thandi’s scholarship forms.’
That something was:

a. Such strong envy – Nomsa didn’t want her sister to follow her dreams because Nomsa had lost her chances
b. Hatred – Nomsa had always hated her sister
c. Anger – Nomsa was angry with her sister because Themba was showing interest in her
d. Happiness – Nomsa was very happy that Thandi had this chance

6. Thandi felt as if she had to protect her forms as if they were ‘solid gold’. This means that:
a. They were very precious to Thandi, as valuable as gold
b. They were very heavy, like gold
c. They cost a lot of money, like gold does
d. They had to be looked after as gold

7. At the end the author writes: ‘They were together as a family.’ This shows us that Thandi is happy because:
a. Her mother is not often home and now she is home
b. Her sister supports her now and she didn’t before
c. They would be able to build another home
d. She was going to get her scholarship

8. The story is told through one person’s point of view – we only get one person’s thoughts and feelings. That person is:
a. Thandi
b. Nomsa
c. Pinky
d. Themba

9. If the story was about Nomsa, what do you think it could be about?
a. Going to a new school
b. Coming to terms with having a baby and carrying on with her life
c. Starting a career and becoming a famous shopkeeper
d. Marrying Themba and living happily ever after

10. The story was called ‘Dreamgirl’ because:
a. Thandi had many dreams for her future and Thandi was perfect in some ways, like a ‘dream’
b. Thandi loved sleeping and dreaming
c. Thandi dreamed that she would be a very famous girl one day
d. Thandi was dreamy, and didn’t concentrate in class

11. This writer of this story believes that:
a. Boys have the right to choose their girlfriends
b. Your life is completely over if you are a teenager and have sex
c. Employers treat domestic workers very well
d. Education is very important and can change people’s lives

12. Why does Thandi believe that Themba will never come back?
a. He died in the fire
b. He has gone to visit another girlfriend and has forgotten Nomsa and his child
c. He knows that Nomsa will certainly not take him back again after what happened
d. He won’t be able to find them because their house burnt down

13. ‘She was ticking off the days in her diary.’ The verb in this sentence is the word(s):
a. was
b. ticking
c. was ticking
d. off

14. ‘It felt like a lifetime away.’ This means:
a. It took her whole life to get this old.
b. It felt very long.
c. It felt like it was in another place overseas.
d. She had not yet lived her life.

15. Thandi is looking forward ___ her mother coming home. What is the missing word?
a. of
b. for
c. on
d. to

16. Nomsa is jealous ___ her sister. What is the missing word?
a. of
b. for
c. on
d. to

17. The opposite of drunk is
a. Irritating
b. Clean
c. Sober
d. Happy

18. ‘Themba looked at Thandi with bleary eyes.’ Bleary means:
a. Angry, upset
b. Sad, crying
c. Sleepy, eyes half-closed
d. Attractive

19. ‘Thandi tried to move, but winced in pain.’ Winced means:
a. Smiled shyly
b. Felt
c. Cried out loudly for a long time
d. Made a little movement or sound (because of pain)

20. ‘The shack was just a pile of rubble.’ Rubble means:
a. Broken bits of building
b. Plastic sheeting
c. Bricks for building
d. Old clothes