Enjoy this poem for your weekly inspiration!

I will learn to write
I will learn to write until my words can teach me how to love
I will learn to write, even with my thoughts all caged
I will learn to give hope to my people
To live both politely and with a civil tongue
Even when there’s death in the living

I will let my words give birth to tomorrow
Teaching it how to save Africa in times of sorrow
Reincarnating my vows
Into the mouths of my brother
Letting him know he weds not only a wife but also a mother
He weds a pillar
His words should never break her

I will learn to write
Until my sister becomes a Proverbs 31 kind of woman
Until she learns to live with her colour, finding beauty in her imperfections
Carry forgiveness in every teardrop
Support love even when anger defeats her
Learning to see God every time she feels insecure
I will learn to write
Until punctuation becomes a definition of every emotion I feel

I will learn to write
So that when my voice shakes, my words will hold my hand
And speak on my behalf
Wipe the tears on my mother’s face
Give courage to my father
Save my brother from bullets roaming around
I will learn to write
To educate and empower
To liberate and love
I will learn to write…
So that poetry becomes love!

Khutshwa Kelebogile was born and bred in the North West province, at Brits in Bapong, and is currently residing in Western Cape. She is studying a BSC CHEMICAL SCIENCES at the University of Western Cape. She says she is a poet and a writer by heart. She started writing in her Primary school years, and aspires to be a poet whose words are used to change lives around the world.