Ike: Cry of the silent stream

when prestige is for leaders

where blue lagoons serve causes

but the down-trodden are congested

in the land of plenty

Allan: winter veld ready for blackening

tinder-box set for lighting

at Bloemfontein, place of cheetahs

the dogs of Vlakplaas bark, no way

in the land of plenty

Siphiwe a naked woman runs away

from a blasting time-bomb

in the streets of the golden city

like someone in a porno movie

in the land of plenty

Ike dogs sniff breakfast food and branch

people exchange sex fun with robo corpse

ba bula donkey mampara and wild animals

children swap roles with their parents

in the land of plenty

Allan stretch up, blou van ons Azania

drought only breaks when it pains here

suiping for too long at rivers of megalomania

now we wake babbalas

in the land of plenty

Siphiwe poems become forbidden fruit

fiery metaphors are buried

history becomes a mystery

devils lead saints to the pastures of sin

in the land of plenty

Ike tv shows roasting chicken rotating

the program baking over a micro oven

man queues for a bus

in someone else’s wardrobe

in the land of plenty

Allan once we’ve danced the toyi-toyi

dead folk become new spirits

‘no strike’ export zones employ Springbok Patrols

to guard boss-investor visits

to the land of plenty

Siphwe guns sing like bongos

lovers fake in response to fear

a charred corpse lies like a dog’s carcass

in the war zones of the shacktowns

Ike candle light face of darkness

into Majuba hill mobile

from abc to xyz

city lights of Verwoerd tunnel

in the land of plenty

Allan Nofanezile Maria Masilela, aged 92

said this about voting:

when I applied for my dompas, I made a cross

when I got married I made another cross

1994 I made what will probably be my last cross

in the land of plenty

Siphiwe yesterday is a caricature

as we gather to celebrate dawn

is our future a mirage?

the revolution a pimperrnel?

in the land of plenty