Late afternoon. Eric walks in tired, undoing his tie and putting his briefcase on the dining room table. He is joined shortly after by James who stays to speak with him.

JAMES: (Walking into the dining room area and seeing Eric.) Eric my man, for someone who moved out of here, I sure see a lot you.

ERIC: (Smiling sadly) Yeah … it seems my wife and I have a hard time leaving this place huh? Especially my wife. How’s life treating you?

JAMES: I am great. My car dealership and the rental houses are doing really well. I mean, taking over the family business was the best decision I ever made. It’s just things on the home front that aren’t doing well.

ERIC: (Shaking his head) Woman trouble huh! Well I know all about difficult women. You know Thuli locks herself in her room all day. And when I’m here to see her, all we do is argue.

JAMES: She is grieving man. Give her some time.

ERIC: I am trying to … but I wish she would talk to me, instead of shutting me out. Or at least consider speaking to a professional.

JAMES: Eric, you need to be firm with her. Maybe shake this whole attitude out of her a little. (Walks over to a chair and sits down.) I mean, take Agnes for instance. She has been harping on about having children and I literally had to shake some sense into her cos we can’t afford to have children yet. Plus I don’t want children. Make your wife see reason by any means necessary.

ERIC: (A little uncomfortable.) That’s one way to look at it I guess. I think shaking some sense into my wife might make things worse though, and I ju–

Eric is cut off by Dumi who comes rushing into the dining room looking for the file.

DUMI: Hey fellas have you seen my … (Seeing the file on the table under Eric’s briefcase he grabs it.) This! Why are you here Eric? James – aren’t you meant to be at work?

ERIC: I need to see my wife … if she’ll allow it. (sighs)

JAMES: I need to talk to Agnes.

DUMI: (Eyeing James suspiciously.) I hope talking is all you’ll be doing.

JAMES: (Glaring at Dumi.) What’s that supposed to mean?

DUMI: Nothing. But just know that from now on I’ll be watching you very carefully, so watch your step. (Gives James a warning look.)

ERIC: What’s going on?

DUMI: Nothing! So what’s happening? I feel like we haven’t hung out in a long while.

ERIC: Been busy I guess.

DUMI: (sighs) I have my hands full with work, and Lebo. The woman is hell bent on avoiding starting a family, when she knows that’s all I want. I mean she has been ducking and diving every situation that could lead to sex ever since she went off the pill.

JAMES: You two have been having this argument since our varsity days. I hate to be the one to tell you, but you knew what you were getting yourself into when you married a career-obsessed woman. Although, had Agnes pursued her law career maybe I wouldn’t have to deal with her harping on about having kids.

ERIC: Hey – you are the one who insisted on having a housewife. I remember how dedicated Agnes was. She and Dumi were constantly at our place going over articles and textbooks. It was like I had two roommates instead of one. (smirking) In fact if I remember correctly James, you tried to kill Dumi thinking he was moving in on your territory. (sighs) My wife meanwhile is still shutting me out cos we lost a child. Agnes is gunning for a kid and Lebo avoiding children. Between the three of us we sure do have some serious kid issues.

DUMI: You know James does like to turn to violence more often than not. (Giving James a judging look.)

JAMES: (Giving Dumi a challenging look) I don’t remember all that history so well, but what I do remember is how Thuli and Lebo always had you two by your nuts. I know Agnes always respected that I called the shots in our relationship, and that, in fact, I very much still do! (James has a smug look on his face. They all laugh.)

ERIC: (chuckles) James, who are you trying to fool? Agnes had you by the nuts too. I mean, she convinced you to turn the very first house you two bought together into a commune so she could live with her best friends. Now tell me your wife doesn’t have a hold over you! We’ve all got it bad. (all laugh)

DUMI: (Checking his watch) Damn. I’m late! Listen fellas, I have to go. I have a meeting then a dinner with some old friends. But we should totally hang out this weekend. Drinks on me. (Gives them both a fist bump and rushes out.)

JAMES: (Watching Dumi leave.) Yeah sure. Eric, I should go find my wife.

James leaves; Eric walks to the living room, takes off his jacket and lies down on the couch.


Tell us what you think: Does Agnes ‘respect’ James? And if so, is it because he sometimes gives her a ‘shake’?