At the local playground Keegan is sitting on the bench while a friend, LESEGO, stands beside him, idly tapping a ball with his feet.

LESEGO: Yoh, why are we in this park? You know Katlego comes here with those idiot friends of hers. Girl won’t leave me alone!

Keegan laughs.

KEEGAN: Tell me about it. It’s the same with Sindi.

LESEGO: What Sindi? Sindi from school? The one who is, you know …

Lesego makes a gesture across his belly to mime a pregnant stomach. Keegan nods. Lesego bursts out laughing and hits him hard on the shoulder.

LESEGO: No! You have a pregnant girl stalking you? Damn, these girls, they don’t give up! How can she think she has a chance? Is she looking to make you a baby daddy, ne?

KEEGAN: Seems like it.

LESEGO: That’s crazy. Who is the baby daddy anyway? She should stalk him. Never mind, don’t tell me. I want to guess. My money is on Gershwin. He seems like her type.

Keegan looks at Lesego, confused.

KEEGAN: Nah, Lesego. She is stalking the baby daddy. It’s mine, that one she’s carrying. But don’t get me wrong, I didn’t tell her to have it. Told her to have an abortion, but she said it’s too late. I mean, it’s not my fault she didn’t even know she was pregnant for five months! What’s wrong with her?

LESEGO: What’s wrong with her?

Lesego stands back, a look of shock on his face.

LESEGO: Keegan, brother. What’s wrong with you?

Keegan looks up at his friend in surprise.

KEEGAN: What do you mean? Why are you acting like this? She’s crazy, just like Katlego! You and Katlego, you were together one time, and now she’s running after you everywhere. This Sindi will do anything to keep me.

LESEGO: She’ll drop out of school and put her future on hold for you? To have your baby? Isn’t she at the top of the class?

Lesego taps the side of his forehead.

LESEGO: She’s one of the clever ones, ne? She’s going to lose this year’s work, so she can trap you and stay at home with a baby?

Keegan shrugs and gives a humourless chuckle.

KEEGAN: You know girls. Like you said with Katlego โ€“ they won’t leave us alone. They’re crazy, man.

Lesego shakes his head. He exhales heavily.

LESEGO: You think this is the same. Some girl with a little crush that you can joke about hiding away from.

KEEGAN: Lesego, come on. You saw how hard I’ve been working all year. Now how can you tell me it’s fair that this happens now?

LESEGO: Can you hear yourself?


LESEGO: Put yourself in her shoes. If it’s not fair to you, how is it fair to her?
KEEGAN: What now, Lesego? Since when are you like this? You’re taking her side?

LESEGO: There’s no sides, Keegan. I’m just stating facts. You and Sindi got pregnant together and now you are acting like she did it to herself.

KEEGAN: It’s not my faultโ€“

LESEGO: No, it’s on both of you, man. You helped make the baby and now she must take care of it. You see how my mother struggles to make things alright for me and my sis. Alone. Where’s my father? Do you want to be someone like him?

Lesego clicks his tongue.

LESEGO: No way, man. Never.

Keegan sits, thoughtfully. Lesego walks off, disgusted.

KEEGAN: (Shouting) You don’t understand, Lesego!

Keegan looks down.

KEEGAN: (To himself) I’m scared.


Tell us: Whose responsibility is contraception in a sexual relationship?