
General Manager, Old Mutual

Karabo Morule is a general manager for member solutions at Old Mutual in a segment that deals with employee benefits related to retirement. She is responsible for the value proposition and experience of the members of the employers and funds who are Old Mutual Corporate clients.

Qualified as an actuary at the University of Cape Town, Morule pictured herself in the medical or engineering professions while growing up. However, she chose actuarial science after a careers evening, when she saw that it would enable broader strategic thinking and problem solving related to business issues – and that it creates opportunities to effect broader social impact.

“I’ve been fortunate to have been exposed to amazing work opportunities throughout my life, from vacation work at specialist financial services boutique Cadiz, McKinsey & Co and JP Morgan, where I later worked as an associate,” Morule says.

She returned to Old Mutual in 2010 to gain context for a traditional actuarial career, having worked throughout in non-traditional fields for an actuary. She also felt that the firm’s values are aligned to those of her immediate and extended family: focusing on education and the change it can make to an individual’s life. She is also a trustee of the Roedean Trust, the charitable trust of her alma mater.

“I am filled with a sense of wonder at how my career path has evolved, because it is nothing like what I envisaged growing up – but it has been so rewarding in so many ways,” she says. “I am always learning something new about myself, about others and about how things work – and why they may not work. Having great mentors has certainly helped with that too.

“Young South Africans can set themselves up for success by having a hunger for learning, considering alternative methods of learning, and different contexts and experiences too,” she says.

“Many young women seek opportunities as entrepreneurs, and while I know that is extremely positive for the country, I think that learning the ropes in the corporate world is still of value, and might help to refine ideas for launching an entrepreneurial venture at a later stage in your life.”

Morule adds that it’s a great time to be a young South African, in spite of the many challenges that do exist.

“South Africa is a great place to be but each one of us needs to work hard on improving things, be innovative and challenge the status quo when things are not working to ensure it remains a great place and becomes even greater.”
— Kerry Haggard

LinkedIn: Karabo Morule