Under the letter were family photographs – Angela much younger, her parents and grandparents.

It took Grace a long time to fall asleep that night. So it was only when Marcus came into her bedroom later the next morning, that she woke up.

“Dad has not come home, Grace. What are we going to do?”

Grace showed him the box of their mother’s belongings. In amazement, he read through the letter Angela had written.

“What do you think is in the safety deposit box?” he asked.

“I’m going to go there now and find out.”

“I’m coming with you, Grace.”

“What have you got there?” Their father’s voice made them both jump. They had not heard him come home.

Leonard rushed across the room and grabbed the box from the bedside cabinet. He scanned the letter quickly. He was shaking he was so furious.

“You two are to stay here.” He rushed to Grace’s bedroom door and locked them in.

“What an arrogant fool he is,” Grace said, as she rummaged around for her cellphone. “I’m not afraid or trapped by him anymore. I’m not blinded by him being a so-called ‘pastor’. I’m calling the police. Telling them we are being held against our will.”

“Yes … I guess we are … I just hope it’s not Mike or any other guys Dad knows from church.”

But not long afterwards a policewoman and her partner turned up with a locksmith and freed the pair. When she heard Grace’s full story, the officer phoned for back up and as soon as Leonard returned home he was arrested on suspicion of murder.

He pleaded not guilty to any part in his wife’s murder, and quickly blamed his mistress. He claimed Penrose was jealous and told him on numerous occasions that if he didn’t leave Angela, she would kill his wife.

The police found many items of Angela’s jewellery in Penrose’s bedroom. She was even wearing a silver chain that belonged to Angela, when she was arrested. She, of course, blamed Leonard for everything.

However, her furious husband handed over her cellphone to the police and soon there was enough evidence to convict both parties for the murder – even though Leonard had hired an expensive lawyer to help him get off.

Angela’s inheritance to Grace was the home they lived in. Leonard’s name was not on the deeds. They were safe at last. They could start again, free of fear. And that is how Angela and Marcus felt on their first day at university the next year: free. The future was full of promise.

Over the years Grace read and reread her mother’s letter, and gazed at the photos of herself and her parents and grandparents when they were younger. As she did so Grace felt that her mother was with her still, giving her hope and encouraging her. The photo of her mother smiling, her face soft and beautiful – that’s how Angela would remember her.

And there was one thing Grace knew for sure: she would never let a man like Leonard into her life. No, when she found love it would be with a kind man who respected her and loved her for who she was.


Tell us what you think: Why did Angela, like many wives and partners, stay with her husband despite his abuse of her. Do you think Grace will make the right relationship choices? Why?