The food was amazing. I didn’t even know what I’d eaten but I wanted more. And I would have had more too … if it weren’t for getting the best dessert I’d ever tasted.

“I’m guessing you liked the food?” Stone joked as I almost licked my plate clean.

I blushed. Dammit this is the second time this guy has made me blush.

“Well, the food was great. The company wasn’t bad either.”

He smiled at me. It was now or never.

“Listen,” I started. “I don’t mean to be so forward but I … I have this friend. She, erm, has to write an article and I was wondering, like, since you’ve never given an interview, if you would consider speaking to her? I know it would be a huge stepping stone in her career.”

I could already see his eyes refusing.

“No pressure,” I said quickly. “It’s alright if you say no. She’ll just have to find another topic. No big deal.”

“How did you know I’ve never given an interview?” he said, thoughtful.

“My friend … she talks about celebrities all the time,” I covered. “In fact, it’s because of her that I even know what you look like.”

“Oh? So you don’t listen to my music?”

“Your old stuff, yeah. It got me through some tough times. Your new music … I just don’t think it’s my type.”

“That is … amazing. Usually, people tell me the opposite. They like the new stuff. That’s why the label keeps on making me record it.”

“You shouldn’t do anything you don’t want to, Stone. If you don’t believe in the songs you’re singing, then what’s the point? Sales?”

“I–” he started. “I have never met anyone like you before, Renielwe.”

“Hey, if that’s an insult–”

“No,” he laughed. “It’s a compliment of the highest order. I’ll do the interview. For you. With you.”

“What?” I almost choked.

“Get all the questions from your friend. You can interview me.”


Tell us: Why does Stone like Reneilwe so much?