Matt is a good man who adores her. Naomi loves that. Before him, she had never known a man could be that way – but in him, she saw warmth, cuteness, caring and indeed true love beyond his serious exterior and social unease.

They met in Matt’s office – Naomi seeking financial advice for the inheritance her granny left her. She just knew Matt was the one, she always tells him. She really did know – something about him just made her heart settle down and feel warm. She deserved that good feeling, she realised, especially after three years spent with that narcissist musician who had her questioning her self-worth …

She didn’t say or do anything about it. It was Matt who called, a few weeks later. They went out on a date and talked late into the night. They both realised that their hearts had finally found their homes in each other. Six months later they got married.

“Naomi Stevens!” The receptionist snaps Naomi out of her reflection.

“Yes,” says Naomi. She smiles when she realises that her hand has been resting on her belly as she thought of Matt.

“The doctor will see you now, Mrs Stevens,” says the receptionist.

The ultrasound gel is cold on her belly. Her doctor is courteous and comforting. The suspense in Naomi’s eyes and heart is constant. She looks at the screen. There is the faint outline of a human being and a pulsing tiny heart. Naomi’s eyes light up.

“Everything seems to be in order,” says the doctor. “And she is a tall girl!”

Naomi looks at the picture on the screen for a while: a smile is plastered on her face. Matt will be so happy, she thinks.

When she calls Matt, she can hear the anxiety in his voice.

“And she is in perfect health?” he asks.

“Yes, babe, the doctor said all is going as expected.”

Matt bursts with joy. Through the surround sound, Naomi can hear his screams fill every inch of the cabin of her SUV.

He is still celebrating and out of breath when he calls his best friend, Dr Menzi Vezi.

“It’s a girl, Menzi! A girl! So far everything is fine, everything is in order!”

“See, I told you there was nothing to worry about, Matt. Naomi is at the right age. I’m so happy for you, my brother!” says Menzi. “We need to celebrate! Tomorrow I’ll come over to watch rugby. Steaks and beer are on me. We’ll make it epic!”

There is a glow on Matt’s face as he looks at Naomi across the table during supper.

“What’s the matter, babe?” asks Naomi.

“You,” Matt points at Naomi’s face. “And her,” he points at her belly, “Have made me complete. I can’t explain the happiness you’ve brought to my life.”

“That smile explains everything, babe. We are starting our own family. I couldn’t be happier.”

Matt’s cell phone rings as he is washing dishes. It’s his mom, Evelyn.

“I was about to call-” says Matt.

“Matty, are you sitting down?” Evelyn cuts him off and lets out a raspy cough.

“Mom, are you smoking again? Your emphysema won’t get better if you keep smoking. Menzi told you to stop-”

“Matty, sit down and listen,” Evelyn says curtly through short rapid breaths.

“What is it, Mom?” he says.

“It’s your father,” says Evelyn.

“Mom, you know I want nothing to do with him.”

“Matty, I know. I wanted to tell you he has passed away.”

“It is sad, Mom. I’m sorry, Mom, I know you loved him once upon a time.”

“Yes, yes, Matty. I have made peace with that,” says Evelyn.

“I can come over tomorrow to help you with the funeral arrangements.”

“That is sorted out as well.”

“Good then,” says Matt, surprised. “Are you sure you’re fine?”

“I’m fine, Matty. I’m calling to let you know he left his farm to you.”

“What!? What will I do with a farm?”

“Beats me, Matty. I just wanted to tell you as soon as I found out.”


Tell us: What makes a person deserving – deserving of love or deserving of good fortune? Are some people more deserving than others?