Fiona waited impatiently for Zero. Earlier in the day she had gone in to tell Silas she had to quit and could not give him notice. She asked him not to speak to Zero about it until she could. When she was leaving, Zero had rushed up to her.

“Fi, what’s up? What were you talking to Silas about all secretly?”

“Zero, can you come by the house after you knock off? We need to talk.”

“What do you mean, Fi? Aren’t you working tonight?”

“No. Just come by the house. We’ll talk then.”

Fiona walked away quickly. She didn’t want to discuss it there at the station. It was going to be emotional; she wanted to be alone with Zero. He needed to understand it was the best for both of them. She would see him in the evening. In the meanwhile, she needed to meet up with Elias to give him her passport so he could sort out the plane ticket.

She found him at the same restaurant where they’d met the first time.

“Hello Fiona, are you well today?” Elias asked. Since it was between breakfast and lunch, he ordered them some coffee and cake. “Are you getting excited about your big trip?”

“I am actually.” She dug in her handbag and retrieved the passport. “Here.”

“Great, I’ll get my travel agents on this as soon as we leave here.”

“Did you bring the contract?”

Elias hit his hand against his forehead. “Stupid me! You know I’ve got a million things on my mind about this trip. Today is Monday, I need to fly to Joburg tomorrow. You know what, will your sister be seeing you off at the airport on Wednesday?”

Fiona had told both Alma and Claudia about the job over the weekend. They would both be taking her to the airport. They were excited for her but they were both already crying about her leaving, so Fiona expected the airport would be traumatic.

“Yes, she’ll be there. But isn’t it cutting everything a bit close? What if I want to change things on the contract?”

“It’s not a problem. I’m the boss. We can amend it right there and sign it. It will be fine.”

Fiona wasn’t sure about that. She liked to think about things. But then … Elias seemed an upstanding guy. She was sure it would be alright. They’d already discussed and agreed on the terms in any case.

“Right. Then I’ll get it at the airport on Wednesday.”

Zero arrived, looking concerned. Fiona wasn’t sure where to start.

“You know I’ve not been OK since my mother’s death. That I’m not finding a way to get past it all.”

“Yes, I know that,” Zero said.

“I can’t get on with my life.”

“Yes, I know this. What’s going on Fiona? Tell me now. I’m getting worried.”

“I’m going to the UK on Wednesday.”

Zero looked at her, unable to speak for a moment. “What? I don’t get it. You’re leaving?”

“When I was at the station today, I was telling Silas that I’m quitting. I have a job in London as a nanny. I’m going to be there for six months. It’s good money and when I come back I can pay my university fees and I’ll still have plenty of money to help you finish your deposit for the site.”

“But I’m nearly there! And once I have the site, I can pay for your university fees. You don’t need to go and take care of someone’s kids in UK.” He stood up and was pacing back and forth across the sitting room. “I don’t get this. How did you even find out about this thing?”

“Elias, the owner of the employment agency, is a friend to Lucas. He introduced us to each other.”

Lucas? Lucas? I told you to stay away from Lucas. He’s a thief! What do you want with his friends now? So, what is this Elias’s surname?”

Fiona realised just then that she didn’t know it. She had his cell number now, but she didn’t know his surname or even the name of the agency. She thought she’d get all of that from the contract.

But why was Zero doing this? She could do what she wanted! He was acting like she was some stupid girl who didn’t know anything. But at least she knew this was the right decision for her. He would not talk her out of it.

“You know what Zero, I thought for this once you would be happy for me. That I was finally trying to move forward with my life. I have been supporting you and your dream for years, and now the one time I need support, all you want to do is ask questions and treat me like I’m an idiot. No, Zero, I don’t need this. I have a lot to do. It’s better you go now.”

“Go? Why? Because I think this is not a good idea? Because I think there are better ways for you to deal with grief? Like, get some counselling that all of us have been trying to get you to do for ever. The money will sort itself out and then you can go back to school and get back on track. Not this. I’ve got a bad feeling about this.”

“So I should just hope that you will be a success so that maybe, maybe somewhere down the line I might get a chance? No! I’ll not do that Zero. This is my life and I will sort things out. I know that what I’m doing is exactly what I need to do. I want you to go.”

Zero stood up and left without another word.


Tell us: Are Zero’s feelings about Lucas blocking him from discussing this rationally?